Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Letters To A Priest For Confirmation Catholic Confirmation Help! (posting Again In Hopes Of A More Helpful Response :D)?

Catholic confirmation help! (posting again in hopes of a more helpful response :D)? - letters to a priest for confirmation

My whole family is Catholic and very religious. "Shall in no way, shape or form, the same convictions, and yet I am compelled to acknowledge. I do not want to be apart of this religion, I do not want to offend him. I want to take the time to my own beliefs found in my spare time. But because it does not happen, I need to finish this work confirmed and tomorrow .. and I need help to make this letter the priest that I must write. If someone can help, please send what It would be good to write about or contact an e-mail address you think you see!

Here are the guidelines:

Paragraphs 4, the first that can handle and his volunteer work and all, but the other three sections --

Paragraph: At least 3 reasons why being Catholic.

Point three: What do you hope to learn as they prepare for Confirmation

and finally, the fourth paragraph, a summer full of letters. Thank you again!

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