Monday, February 15, 2010

Capsaicin More Drug_uses What Would Happen If You Consumed Pure Capsaicin?

What would happen if you consumed pure capsaicin? - capsaicin more drug_uses

Pure capsaicin is 15 million Scoville scale, compared with pepper spray at 5 million and Scotch Bonnet peppers are up to 1 million.

Would you kill or lead to organ failure do you think?


Anonymous said...

According to Wiki:

Overexposure [capsaicin] can lead to death. [Peppers contain capsaicin] cause burning or stabbing pain of the skin and if swallowed in large amounts by adults or a small number of children may include nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain and diarrhea in flames.

dinodino said...

You can come to destroy third-degree burns to the mouth and esophagus to ... lead to die a slow and painful death. I do not think that to make two comments.

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