Thursday, January 7, 2010

Revs Soccer What Is The Sci. Expl. Behind A Soccer Ball Sliding Through The Air Before Spinning When It Has Great Velocity

What is the sci. expl. behind a soccer ball sliding through the air before spinning when it has great velocity - revs soccer

Anyone who moves in a straight line (no spin or less than 1 U / s) for some time before the beginning of the curve

1 comment:

WildOtte... said...

At higher speeds, there is a turbulent flow with separation of the boundary layer at the trailing edge. At lower speeds laminar flow, with the separation of the boundary layer. Around the transition of funny things in nature, to which I can not decide what they (eg, flow around a circular cylinder to do, is the effect of Strouhal). Therefore - and here I think - that, as the ball slows down and begins the boundary layer, a compound that completely symmetrical, which gives a torque on the ball, so it's on spin.

The ball is round - why not symmetrical happened? I suppose some small flaws in the flow of air, probably because of the seams on the ball is in an increasingly non-linear airflow.

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