Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Ben And Jerry PETA Asking Ben & Jerry's To Change From Cow Milk To Breast Milk, How Do You Feel?

PETA Asking Ben & Jerry's to Change From Cow Milk to Breast milk, How do you feel? - ben and jerry

I find repulsive. I do not want it in my ice cream and milk, thank God, Ben & Jerry's, that it rejected the offer.


James Watkin said...

I think there are some good people who are Peta and nuts. And unfortunately, nuts decisions seem to be responsible. And if you spent half the energy in people and feed them and not worry about dying, the ethical treatment of people from hunger and homelessness.

Oops species is great, but if you do so at the expense of humanity and treated better than other people who have crossed to the dark side.

Well, if someone spraying her milk into the ice machine at home, and cream, go ahead. But you have no right to tell us what we can eat. Or tell a food manufacturer, which products they can sell. I was never to create a company for human food. I do not eat ice cream with breast milk of people more than they would have a roast chicken fillet of John Doe. Or a plate of the human liver and onions. Jesus ate meat and I also

Once I saw a demonstration in front of a KFC Peta in South Texas. Thistried older couple, in and blocked the front door. Sake, I went and went. What happened next was like Peta.

When I went, I heard the old man: "Excuse me." Nothing. And yes. Then members of this wonderful group went to curse and scream and belittle this couple. Imagine grandmother and grandfather came to go to a table and a group of people threatened because of their personal choice have. They were so frightened they left in his car and the group screaming and cursing. only spew hate. And do not be clarified, this young to walk to his car for the woman stumbled and fell. And they laughed at her. And then he began to cry.

And when I went to the lady, a young man pushed me off the road and told me to stop the suffering of animals to eat during the preparation.

Now it is bad. One thing that compassion for animals. However, they have no compassion for humanity is hypocritical and evil. And these people should kneel and ask God for forgiveness for the hatred that showed couples.

Axiom said...

They were asked, so in September last year ...

Frankly, it's an idea that should disgust us so much.

Breast milk ice cream is not sure the fat content of more than cow's milk, has after all. However, many people are thrown by the idea. Equally surprising for them to continue after a while (and the time varies from person to person, quiet).

I do not eat, whether it was made with human breast milk, I believe that the children need more milk than ice cream manufacturers.

Phoenix Erotic Photography said...

Ah, once again Saturday Night.

PETA has never asked Ben & Jerry's.

PETA does not care if we drink cow's milk. They have no problem with him.

And you can not do everything that comes out of the body of the man in the food!

It's the law!

So let me ask you this, now happy that he achieved some attention?

Chrissi said...

It is expected that disgust. You do not really ice milk. They want you to think about how angry and then found that, together with cow's milk.

Phoenix is vegetarian PETA is an organization who want to make the vegan world, so you mind if we drink milk ....

Fraulein Schlampe said...

PETA is an irresponsible animal rights group, the crazy people with dementia and fascist political ideology attracts. I have spent big on animal rights has many years as a vegetarian, but I've never been with people nuts! I think they hurt more than help the cause of animal rights, which gives a bad name!

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