Sunday, January 24, 2010

One Pie Co How Do I Get A Gabby Co-worker To Shut His Pie Hole?

How do I get a gabby co-worker to shut his pie hole? - one pie co

A little chat here and there is good, but this guy is a Cotton Pickin 'ratchet jaw! How can I tell him to remain polite to one sock in it?


mark c said...

Well .. Good day .. I say .. "Today, I buy food?"
In this afternoon ".. before you, for example .." I have no intention to buy something to eat ... drinking .. nothing ... What I mean is this .. "When you open your mouth, in my presence, and gossip on the subject, and others .. ONE MORE TIME .. I take a chainsaw to try and give boring, his balls, the" South Beach "look.. . When I ball rag bag of blood and urine and semen samples from polycarbonate shield my male Husqavarna cutting $ hit town happy. ... Oh I need socks, I told you, "Stick It," the blood clear in my helmet , and the tank "

It sounds like maybe one or two bell .....

beer_far... said...

hey I was thinking the same thing until the smoke Guy. This guy does not listen to one seconds 730-4.
I do not know how to bring him to silence:

alemraC said...

be a man and remain a finger! hahahahaah

tasmania... said...

As tempting as it may have to give a little violence ... probably the best thing to do, say, face to face ... "You talk too much and annoys me. The mightnt be as aware of others.

Sunshine said...

To ignore or try to say, it is disturbing to note that when you make your work

B U S Y said...

Provision of food in daily life and when he starts talking to him. Perhaps the time will recognize that the attempt to shut up lol.

LongAgo said...

By understanding this please email me. I need to know !!!!!!!!

Dee said...

Tell him you have to do work and has prevented your work, if it does not work very well ask him to stop so much!

paoakala... said...

My colleague in the same way, only the radio more. Oh, sometimes I have the helmet.

B0FF0 said...

This is a true story. It happened yesterday. I was with my neighbor who is so shameless in detail, but never something other than himself and his plans. (never a planner? "and if they sometimes quietly, their plans may actually be possible ... you spend your energy talking and plans are different each day) Now that is decided on and on and finally angry enough, I was up and went home. I have my daughter that I could not stand it a minute, and "how can I go back and take a little longer? and finally, "OMG, has everything to escape something," so I went back, and I swear to God, was still there to speak. Did not know that I'm gone. I know a little, and I'm sure he could not say anything about me.

Bball 33 said...

Close all the cake for him !!!!!!!!!! durrrr lol

Some people can not ever really change be changed so that if someone like what we are trying to do to annoy ways back for a song turn he or she can hate him, and he plays again and again then note the person Indura all the pain you lol jk is simply not yet mature, and you try your best to ignore this person ..........

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