Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Heart Rate Monitor How Do You Keep Your Heart Rate Down During A Presentation?

How do you keep your heart rate down during a presentation? - heart rate monitor

Today I was almost on my page long speech file, but it is not enough and it was moved to ... Although I had practiced many times, I have no influence in my rhythm. When I was ready to go today was, my heart was pounding, and I would certainly have had more difficulty with breathing pauses, and he's gone. Are there any good ways to keep your heart rate just before a presentation?


God Told me so, To My Face said...

Remember, the results of the intervention, regardless of talent, and it is still in the bag.

caught in the rain said...

That sounds completely foreign to you, and I'm not a smart-***, but I drink a beer fridge or before an important presentation, and frankly ... It works for me. Simply pour into my cup of coffee and go. I just wanted to make sure that no one comes too close to me, or they may feel.
I swear I'm not an alcoholic.

Quasi said...

Take a deep breath, breathe through your mouth, hold for a few seconds, then exhale through pursed lips.

You can not relax at all with the first answer - a little alcohol can certainly help, too. Try a glass of wine or something, because it is quieter.

iamurfri... said...

Before the presentation, just a mental preparation before. You think your presentation is the best and will not receive comments from people and open look. During the presentation, rather than the reaction of the audiance to focus only on your tone and style of presentation.

Celine said...

Deep Breath!
Breathe in. ..
exhale ... eh!
be positive that everything will be ok ...
Believe in yourself ...
You can do it!
go, go, go!

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