Friday, December 25, 2009

Martial Arts Training Knives Which Martial Art Should I Choose?

Which Martial Art should I choose? - martial arts training knives

I think I know it would be better for me, but I get advice from those who know better than me.

I have no experience in the martial arts.

I'm 25, 6'0, 180 - surgery on the knee and ankle. My ankle and knee fully healed, but my muscles have suffered a lot during my recovery phase, so that I have some time to get back to my old form.

I take martial arts classes for the defense of real life. I do not know what I contest or just want to be in a better position to defend myself and my family in case of unexpected violence. I did not intend to carry weapons or fight against someone with a knife, a firearm, unless it is absolutely necessary to save my family and to escape from them a few minutes.

All this is hypothetical, because I did not even deal with all in real life. I will support only as far as possible, in case something would happen and could not escape being prepared.

Any advice is greatly appreciated.

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