Friday, December 18, 2009

Cancer Treatment More Condition_symptoms Feedback On Cancer Treatment - Radiation And Chemotherapy, More Found In More Lymphnodes After Double Masect.?

Feedback on cancer treatment - radiation and chemotherapy, more found in more lymphnodes after double masect.? - cancer treatment more condition_symptoms

What do you need another operation.

I had removed my lymph nodes, when I had my mastectomy, and 13 of them were affected.

People respond differently to chemotherapy. I had FEC chemotherapy, which I described my experience and advice in response to the recent ...

If there is anything that you ask me, e-mail.

Radiation therapy is tedious, but much easier than the chemotherapy. For me, the only side effect fatigue.

In exactly one months is four years since my diagnosis and I am fit and healthy.

Good luck with your treatment

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